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A Wine Introduction (and Some 1WineDude.com Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes)

Changes are afoot here at 1WineDude.com.

By the way, I recently learned that the first recorded use of "afoot" was in Shakespeare's "Julius Caesar" - which is way cool. I'm a nerd, I know.

Anyway, I'm making some slight changes in the footprint (ha-ha) of the blog posts. Basically, they will start to get shorter - easier for you to read, harder for me to write. And, I'm hoping that they will also start to become more frequent. I've got a newborn in the house, bear with me...

Today, I thought I'd offer you a small contribution I made a few years back to the world of wine knowledge. When I started this whole wine consulting thing, I was frequently asked to provide wine overviews - so I put together a handy presentation that gives an overview of what wine is all about - from the dawn of wine in history, all the way to why you taste those fruits in your glass:

You should be able to view the original presentation file in most versions of PowerPoint, or with the (free!) Impress tool from OpenOffice.org. Handiest of all, you can access it online in Flash (Ahhhh-ahhhh!) format here.

I think some of you fine folks out there may find it useful. Enjoy!


(images: handpicked.co.uk)


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