Discover how YOU can become a Wine Guru!

Want to know more about wine?
Want to get more enjoyment out of every glass of wine that you drink?
Want to feel more confident when you head out to buy your next bottle of wine?
Are you ready to Taste with the Big Boys?
The Dude is here to help!
I'm happy to announce that my Wine Tasting Guide, How to Taste Like a Wine Geek: The 1WineDude Wine Tasting Guide is now available!
Preview a sample of the guide at
My Wine Tasting Guide details the same practical tasting approach that I used to increase my own knowledge about - and enjoyment of - wine (the greatest beverage in the world). Some of the highlights:
- A step-by-step guide to tasting wine like the pros (only without the spitting or the snobbishness!).
- The story of how I overcame my own personal fear of wine, and was able to go from total WineDunce to the 1WineDude (and how that journey helped to form my tasting approach).
- A practical example of the tasting approach in action.
- Printable Forms for capturing your own wine tasting experiences.
- Links to lots of helpful resources, wine accessories, & more (for further wine learning).
The Guide is targeted at those that are either new to wine, or who enjoy wine now but really want to get more out of it and are not sure where to start. If you're one of those people - now you have a place to start!
The eBook is available for $7.95 USD. It's in PDF format for maximum portability. If you need a PDF reader, you can get one for free for both PCs and PDAs from Adobe, and other software providers (my personal favorite is the light-on-the-resources FoxIt Reader).
- "This ebook, combined with a sample half case or case of wine, can start novice wine geeks on their way to becoming confident wine buyers." - Kathleen Lisson, CSW & Wine Century Club member
- "Succinct information about how to taste wine, what to look for, and how to really determine which wines suit your palate best. Using his scale, I can confidently state 'I Love It!' when reviewing 1 Wine Dude's e-book." - Douglas Trapasso of Chicago Pinot
Purchase Options:
1) Buy the eBook version at (PayPal & Google Checkout) - $7.95 USD. Go Get It!
2) Buy the eBook version at (Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express) - $7.95 USD. Go Get It!
3) The printed version of my tasting guide can be purchased at for $10.95 USD. Go Get It!

Affiliate Program
If you'd like to sell my eBook on your blog or website, I'm offering a whopping 47% of the sales to affiliates! You can check out the details here.
I am new to the world of wine and have found it completely intimidating. This book has encouraged me to be more adventurous. I now understand the importance of being able to describe what I like and don't like and the impact that has when asking for help in a restaurant or store. I especially like the forms, they are easy to use and help me get my thoughts around what I should be looking out for.
Thanks 1WineDude!
Thanks, this is a good read and I am looking forward to using the method when I taste my next wine.
One thing, the web links in the PDF work fine in adobe reader but don't seem to work in Fox It reader.
Joe's book reads as though he was there talking you through the process of tasting wine. I believe this book has helped me to be a more confident buyer of wine -I look forward to going to my first wine tasting with friends and not feeling intimidated. I am on my way to becoming a Wine Enthusiast!
If you are a wine beginner like me and hunger for information, this is definitely one of the first books to consider reading. It is friendly, easy to read and will even have you laughing with Joe's humor.
Thanks for the reviews and positive vibes, everyone!
Good book for a novice. I barely knew the difference between grapes with seeds and grapes without, are they red grapes or purple? If Joe could help me to go to the store to make a wine purchase with confidence (of course I brought the book with me the first few times) then he can help anyone. As an added bonus it's much easier to look at a wine list when on a date.
Joe I have to say that this book is a good read and very easy to understand for the novice wine connoisseur such as myself. I keep it next to the wine rack in my home, so friends and family can review and understand the wine they may be drinking at my home when they visit. I like wine for the taste, sophistication and the conversation that goes along with it and this book enhance all of those above.
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