Looks like the staff over at Mutineer Magazine has given 1WineDude.com a Christmas present and included 1WD in their list of Blogs You Should Be Reading (in December/January Issue #3)!
Some of you may recall that I wrote about Mutineer Magazine back in August in my post about Wine Mags that are Worth Reading, in which I called them the most promising up & comer mag: "Is it smarmy? Sure, it's smarmy, in the same way that MAXIM is a bit too pleased with itself - a style appreciated most by 20-somethings who don't know any better, but also appealing to 30-somethings who do know better, but don't care anyway and can therefore appreciate the small touches of irony sprinkled throughout the articles."I'm happy to report that Mutineer is still going strong and appears to be unabashedly flying the youthful flag of new wine media and trying its best to live up to its namesake. I enjoyed Issue #3 (still a little smarmy, and still using a bit too much of the first-person perspective, but undoubtedly entertaining), and found it's varied content to be held together coherently by the theme of bringing fine drinks back to the masses (laid out in more detail in one of their December blog posts by Co-Editor in Chief Alan Kropf).
They also talk about some guy from NJ, and what blogs like his mean in terms of the impact of "new media" on the wine industry. Whatever (just kidding, GV).
From this issue's Letter from the Editors:
"What [Gary] Vaynerchuk represents is the potential of the growing efforts in new beverage media, yet these efforts remain largely ignored by mainstream beverage print media, which often seem more interested in becoming wine culture than covering it. These new media endeavors are achieving something never before realized in fine beverage, they are arming consumers with the knowledge and confidence to not have to rely on numerical ratings to replace actual understanding, which some of the largest print publications rely on for achieving any kind of relevance... The good news is that the Internet has leveled the playing field to the point where these publications’ lack of vision and connection with the culture they supposedly serve will be their own downfall, and through this failure will arise a new kind of fine beverage communication and culture."
If I have a complaint, it's that they listed my blog as launching in October 2008 (I wish!). Also, I was hoping for a goofier picture of me to be used for the article...
Anyway, thanks to Mutineer for the luv!

(images: MutineerMagazine.com)
Congrats Joe! You deserve it...have a great holiday!
PS: Weren't you just a "spam blog" :)
thanks, bro! Maybe they meant "SPAM blogs you should be reading"? :)
Sorry about the slip up Joe, I went back and listened to the interview and just plain got that wrong...Thanks for the mention!
http://www.mutineermagazine.com/docs/MutineerMagazine3.pdf Here is link to the entire 3rd issue!
Thanks, Alan!
Right on- congrats Joe and keep killing it. Happy holidays!
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