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Food Review Weekly #2

"Arsenic is edible. Only once."

So reads the quote at the top of this week's Food Review Weekly over at HeatEatReview.com. The Dude is featured in the Drinks section thereof. You can check it out here.

The Eats section of the same has a link to a story about Caffeinated potato chips... which seems, well, just too damn odd!

Anyway, hope everyone in blogosphere-land is recovering well from their night of Superbowl watching. Personally, the Dude's team is the mighty Pittsburgh Steelers, so he took not a small modicum of pleasure in seeing the Pats fall short of winning the big game (but I've just got a case of sour grapes, because the venerable Pats have denied my Steelers so many AFC Championship victories in the last several years).



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