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A sad day in Beer Land... (Michael Jackson - 1942-2007)

Raise your glass of Belgian beer and have a moment of silence to remember the venerable Michael Jackson, esteemed English journalist, author, and critic of all things related to beer.

Michael was a frequent contributer to beer periodicals and to his Beer Hunter website, and he was the author of several successful beer tomes, including the long-running Pocket Guide to Beer and the thorough and excellent Beer Companion. It is not hyperbole to say that Michael was a key figure in ushering in the 'new beer renaissance', the effects of which are still being felt in the U.S. in its continued proliferation of excellent micro breweries and small craft-beer brewpubs.

My friends and I viewed Michael as a bit of a legend. As English Literature majors in undergrad, who also brewed beer... well, it doesn't take a large stretch of the imagination to envision how important an influence this guy was on us.

Cheers, Michael!


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